Commercial: PR generated contrivance created to lure unsuspecting souls into the abyss of consumerism to purchase what they didn’t know they needed until they realized they didn’t have it

I have yet to meet a commercial featuring bare chested cowboy hat wearing wranglercized men that has made me run out into the world in a sweaty rush to buy anything!

I have yet to meet a commercial featuring hot bodied daisy dukes wearing females manhandling hamburgers with pouty lips that has made me run out into the world in a feverish pitch to find the nearest burger joint screaming “I gotta have me some of that!”

I have yet to meet a commercial swollen with double entendre that has made me rush out into the world faint and flushed to find the nearest apothecary to buy anything that will increase my bedroom pleasure!

I have yet to meet a commercial rife with stereotypes that has made me rush out into the world for anything because “dey sho got dat one rite!”

i have yet to meet a commercial where an evening jacketed man pitching the superiority of a liquid detergent has made me rush out into the world to purchase that wondrous remover of stains because I did not realize doing laundry could be so glamorous!

I have yet to meet a commercial that can convince me that I should be anyone other than who I am doing what I do because I love doing it!

Addendum: Can anyone explain to me the point of the commercial where a well dressed African American woman carrying a microphone walks to the back of a wanna be muscle car and puts the microphone  to the tailpipe of said car and as the engine of said car is revved up she smiles knowingly into the camera?


Ohhhhh … yeah, now I get it!



Sigmund Freud would have a field day with this stuff!!!